Am I weird? Am I some kind of freak? It seems that, amongst the men I know, I appear to be the only one who isn't freaked out by Breastfeeding. I actually think it's quite lovely, and not just because I get to see some flesh. I'm shallow, but I'm not that shallow.
The notion that once our son is here, my girl will continue to provide sustenance for him for a while is quite humbling. I'm a bloke. We do our bit at the beginning and then have none of the physical effects of pregnancy to deal with, even though we do have to undergo some pretty apocalyptic stress issues (well, I am doing anyway).
At the Antenatal classes, we were told a little about breastfeeding, but I've learned more from other sources, and the process doesn't unnerve me at all. I think it's lovely. Does that make me odd? I'm no 'new man' or whatever the term is for someone terrified of being politically incorrect once in a while. I'm Northern and I like bacon. I also think breastfeeding is a natural and lovely thing to do, and am looking forward to seeing my son doing what is natural.
Somewhere deep inside my being, the fifteen-year-old me is screaming; “But dude... boobs!”
Growing up is weird.