Those were the words my girlfriend said to me the moment we found out we were going to be parents, sat on the floor of our bathroom waiting to see if two lines would appear in the window of the pregnancy test.
We tried not to think about how the test had been done (it's hardly all that appealing, is it?) and concentrated on the two little windows.
The test window filled with a line, swiftly followed by a line in the 'Pregnant' window.
"You're... pregnant!" I exclaimed, and we threw our arms around each other. To be sure we'd not got a duff test, we did the other one in the box. Lo and behold, that too was positive. We're pregnant. Well, my girlfriend is, but you get the idea.
We were ecstatic, and rang our mothers in order to tell them the good news. We held off telling anyone else until we'd spoken to a doctor and got everything checked out by a qualified person and not a little plastic tube covered in wee. It seemed the polite thing to do.
That's how it began, and that's how I'll start here.
If you're in a similar situation, I hope you find some use here. If not advice, then at least the knowledge that you're not alone in your fears and your excitement.
Hello. I'm going to be a daddy.
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